Mixtape 285 • Feeling Pretty Good
The name is a deft linguistic double-take, but if you like your music on the catchy side, I can assure you that Brad Sucks does not actually suck.
The name is a deft linguistic double-take, but if you like your music on the catchy side, I can assure you that Brad Sucks does not actually suck.
No doubt about it, The Vandals are the masters of the punk rock rug pull. In this particular instance, what starts out as a merely updated take on the Grease classic suddenly devolves into hyperkinetic chaos. No matter. The show proceeds! New releases are starting again, and the year is off to a strong start.
The carpenter took a leisurely walk around the perimeter. In the weird light cone projected by the light they had installed at the top of the can, the ropes they had used to rappel down looked like the undulating tentacles of a mysterious jellyfish. Outside the cylindrical building that very deliberately resembled an oversized Coca Cola can, the security guard’s radio played Chicago sambas into the crisp Manitoba evening as he idly played his flashlight over the bushes outside. The choreographer stifled a giggle. On one of the ornithopters parked atop the domed top, next to an opening that looked like someone forgot to bring a canopener, a single LED began to blink. The mission was running out of time.
It was a quiet night... I believe an unearthly materializing of liquid water from thin air had people on edge. Elsewhere, the phenomenon is so common it has its own word -- "rain" -- but here in the Grand Valley, it's so rare as to trigger suspicions of alien interference, chemtrails, or bitcoin market manipulation. Sometimes all three.
Well, that was an interesting show. Not much listener activity tonight, though that's OK since I had my hands full with SSL certificate madness in order to finish the Secret Project that is this site itself. Perseverance at the command line won the day (and the small green lock on your browser bar), even if it was interrupted every minute or few with ongoing radio show requirements.
Side note: It is impossible to purchase or renew a certificate without at least two password resets. I'm not sure which of the thermodynamics laws governs this, but it seems to be fairly immut
After a long absence, the RockaTeens return with their trademark sonic assault, but with the reverb turned down a bit. They kick off this week's show with "Turn and Smile".
The Thievery Corporation has institutionalized the plagiarism of genres, and this week's dub-influenced opener is no exception.
Hooks as sharp as diamonds, girl/boy vocal harmonies, jangling guitars… what else do you need to play this summer?