Mixtape 275 • Undercurrent
Listening to Toro y Moi is like sinking into a heavily-perfumed fluffy bed.
Listening to Toro y Moi is like sinking into a heavily-perfumed fluffy bed.
It’s fitting to receive instruction from Art Brut on how the whole band thing works. Rumor has it there’s new music on the way, and I could not be more excited. Notice to the faithful listeners: the show will be off on the expected December 17, but will return for a special off-schedule holiday showcase on the 24th.
Would the tour of palaces never end? Having visited several monarchical residences, the cobbler had become habitually underwhelmed with the perpetual ostentation. Taking a seat at a padded bench to admire the mosaics of Dar al-Makhzen, the topologist hummed a Balkan square-dancing melody. The ancient Land Cruiser that had brought them here, well-cared for and highly-modified, sat in a modern parking lot that clashed with the surrounding Moroccan geometry. They pretended to take some selfies while monitoring the 360° camera feed coming from the vehicle.
Well, that was an interesting show. Not much listener activity tonight, though that's OK since I had my hands full with SSL certificate madness in order to finish the Secret Project that is this site itself. Perseverance at the command line won the day (and the small green lock on your browser bar), even if it was interrupted every minute or few with ongoing radio show requirements.
Side note: It is impossible to purchase or renew a certificate without at least two password resets. I'm not sure which of the thermodynamics laws governs this, but it seems to be fairly immut