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Julius C. Lacking
Editor’s note: In order to provide the most legible version of the following text, we have used machine translation to convert the version presented by Hrvst, nominally in English, to his native peculiar Upper Europan dialect, then back again. It seems to have improved things somewhat. In summary, Julius C. Lacking has been doing this radio thing for about 16 years now, and is on the air on KAFM Grand Junction (CO) on alternate Tuesdays from 9 pm to midnight Mountain time, and Louder Than War Radio (Manchester, UK) every Thursday from 9pm to 10pm UK time and on the last Friday of the month from 10pm to midnight UK time. Check the Radio Activity page for details.
author of Hrvst Troggold
This saying of radioperson, the human about Julius C. Lacking, of presenting intial segmentation the on-air presentation! About starting in show, the saying. Introduction to comfortable seating, selecting inside appropriate audiophile technology. Adjustment of photon emitters as the necessity for calibration of receptors.
It’s Lacking time!
Beginning the real of Fall 2008, September day above Tuesday night. Ten and continue the midnight, of humid Florida evening. Station the WFIT-FM, University Station of 89.5 replication frequency. Florida Tech! Go Pants!
Continuing of effort, year after the year after the year after the year after the year after the year after the year after the year, the totaling of: Eight! As of date, September day above 2016. Causation, the translation of Lefting, inside Western Colorado! Farewell show the epic aspect ratio. Available the podcast!
Hiatus commence. The six of months. About the month, inside to outside.
Broadcast resume, the filling of time in unavailable radioperson. However! The new of town, the new of frequency. 88.1 replication frequency, exacting. Station KAFM, of solar power the Community Radio.
After having period against chronomatic wandering, eventually. Posession the time slot: alternate the Tuesday, Nine and continue the midnight. Life the fascinating.
Incremental domination of planetary electromagnetic spectral, attachment the Manchester, UK internet blog-site Louder Than War attendant internet radio station! Performance of 9pm UK evening of Thursday, equivalently about afternoon time of Western Colorado and parts elsewhere of America.
Continuing the website! Present the personality: Julius C. Lacking!