Mikal Cronin • Switched-On Seeker
A fully synthesized version of Cronin’s previous album, this retake offers the same moody melodies as “Seeker”, this time filled to the brim with the warble and saw of old-tyme synthes.
A fully synthesized version of Cronin’s previous album, this retake offers the same moody melodies as “Seeker”, this time filled to the brim with the warble and saw of old-tyme synthes.
No topic is too esoteric for John Darnielle to base an entire Mountain Goats album on, not even the persecution of pagans as a wave of Christianity moved through Europe in the middle ages.
Gentle music for a pastoral New Zealand scene, with tappity drums and soft jangles playfully jostling understated vocals.
The clown kings of LA punk are back with their (so-far) commercially-unviable yet overwhelmingly fulfilling mix of bad attitude and party rock.
Spiky little numbers filled with quicksilver guitar lines, the occasional horn section, punky drums and bass, and sing-song female vocals that sound like someone making fun of their bullies.
Incredibly smart power pop overflowing with fat analog synth lines and enough earworms and hooks to launch a sonic fishing expedition.
An unusually sharp pop sensibility keeps this outfit from blending into the background, with rough-and-tumble rocking.
Martin is baring his soul, exposing his darkest secrets in a whispered croon, here inside this closet.
Punchy and punch drunk laments wrapped in glorious blankets of fuzz and overgained vocals.
You can call them EFFED UP if you like. A solid and expansive set of music that draws from psychedelia, hardcore, punk, rough-cut ska, and many more.