Mixtape 279 • Cleopatras
Like a refreshing blast of tepid water, Warmduscher is sure to hit the spot.
Like a refreshing blast of tepid water, Warmduscher is sure to hit the spot.
Listening to Toro y Moi is like sinking into a heavily-perfumed fluffy bed.
It’s fitting to receive instruction from Art Brut on how the whole band thing works. Rumor has it there’s new music on the way, and I could not be more excited. Notice to the faithful listeners: the show will be off on the expected December 17, but will return for a special off-schedule holiday showcase on the 24th.
Gather your sins and bring them to Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers.
It’s election night in the US, but the whole point of today’s show is to pretend it isn’t. To that end, we are kicking off with my new favorites AK/DK — they sound ready to take the system apart using only the crudest electromechanical components. Big shout out to the crew near Rocket Park who enjoyed the show to the point of calling in. Long live the Gizzle!
Thick Paint has a sound you just want to slather and spread on.
Joanna Sternberg is an open book, and you can’t keep from turning the pages.
There’s a whole new album from Wreckless Eric, a whole album, but tonight’s selection resonates for the simple fact that this is the third reference to the radium girls I’ve heard this week, all from very different sources. As we say around these parts, it’s a real plate ‘o shrimp. Also worth noting tonight is n-th track from the Bug Club’s Rare Birds album, which has so many good songs on it you’ll be hearing from them for months to come, and that’s even with not playing the ones with bad words.
Things started out normally, with a cover and an excellent new single from Waxahatchee, but took a turn for the unexpected when the highly-anticipated Cat Empire set went missing. Was it skipped over on the player accidentally? Had I forgotten to make a copy to bring to the station? Could I download it from the backup at home? After a couple of sets of troubleshooting, it turned out I had named the file incorrectly. These are the hazards you encounter as a live-in-the-studio DJ, kids.
They appear to be American, not so much Trappists, but they sound like a clattering of drums and hooks.