Mixtape 283 • The Ballad Of The Natural Lines
Call it what you will, Matt Pond PA makes music outside the natural lines.
Call it what you will, Matt Pond PA makes music outside the natural lines.
For whatever reason, listening to The Go! Team makes me think of the kindergarten rave scene, something which doesn’t actually exist but that would heavily feature this music if it did. Elsewhere tonight, we trial a new more organized format for conveying the Lacking Information, such as this website and the Mixtapes produced by the org, into the radio play-by-play.
It's a celebration of Pat Fish, also known as The Jazz Butcher, who passed away unexpectedly last week, on October 5. We kick things off with another one of my favorites, the Asylum Street Spankers, taking on his "D.R.I.N.K." to glorious heights, followed by a couple of sets drawing from his 20th century material.
Norwegian death pop worthy of Dave Brubeck with its catchy off-meter hooks takes you through a rainbow-colored tunnel of sharp candy shards.
Snow was expected, but never showed up. Suits me fine. Surprisingly, this is the third episode of 2019, and I’m warming up to the hectic weekly pace. Thanks to Mark, Generoso, Lily, and Robin for tuning in and triumphing over the depths of midwinter midnight.
It's a slack time for new releases, but The Lacking Organization still has a tremendous backlog of excellent music from 2018 to work through. Gratitude to tonight's participants, ranging from Charley attending CES in Las Vegas to Sean fiddling with the dial and wondering if he got the right station.
A listener suggested I slip in Wham!’s “Last Christmas” but as someone filled with old-fashioned Lacking Integrity, I politely declined. That said, your host survived the season unscathed. In this episode, we dedicate the Middle Hour to some fine covers. Shout out to Robin in Atlanta for hanging out in the late-night post-holiday gulch.
The off-kilter combination of glossy vaguely Japanese pop and glitching vaguely Japanese noise treatments make for an interesting mix.