· mixtapes
Mixtape 210 • Free For All
DJ Shadow, master of spin and finesse of fader, hits hard and in the nick of time.
DJ Shadow, master of spin and finesse of fader, hits hard and in the nick of time.
Let’s face it, we’re going to be hearing tracks from The Bug Club for a couple months, since I keep finding gems strewn loosely about their most recent album. Lots of listeners checked in for this show, my apologies to those that checked out during the elevator hellride at the beginning of the show. Technical issues, we’re working on them.
It was a relatively quiet night, with a heavy dose of Brazilian music to keep things moving. For some reason, honesty and lies was another theme that surfaced through the night.
The off-kilter combination of glossy vaguely Japanese pop and glitching vaguely Japanese noise treatments make for an interesting mix.