Mixtape 283 • The Ballad Of The Natural Lines
Call it what you will, Matt Pond PA makes music outside the natural lines.
Call it what you will, Matt Pond PA makes music outside the natural lines.
For whatever reason, listening to The Go! Team makes me think of the kindergarten rave scene, something which doesn’t actually exist but that would heavily feature this music if it did. Elsewhere tonight, we trial a new more organized format for conveying the Lacking Information, such as this website and the Mixtapes produced by the org, into the radio play-by-play.
BODEGA is just around the corner and they have everything you need.
A very special New Year’s Eve edition, distinguished by the fact it makes absolutely no attempt to be any different from most other alternate Tuesday nights! Other than wrapping up the show with The Dismemberment Plan and “The Ice Of Boston” as the clock nears midnight. Pop open that third bottle of bubbly, indeed.
AK/DK wield their throbbing oscillators in the greater service of Electropunk.
It’s election night in the US, but the whole point of today’s show is to pretend it isn’t. To that end, we are kicking off with my new favorites AK/DK — they sound ready to take the system apart using only the crudest electromechanical components. Big shout out to the crew near Rocket Park who enjoyed the show to the point of calling in. Long live the Gizzle!
Pacing keeps it steady with a forward approach and some decent advice.
Things started out normally, with a cover and an excellent new single from Waxahatchee, but took a turn for the unexpected when the highly-anticipated Cat Empire set went missing. Was it skipped over on the player accidentally? Had I forgotten to make a copy to bring to the station? Could I download it from the backup at home? After a couple of sets of troubleshooting, it turned out I had named the file incorrectly. These are the hazards you encounter as a live-in-the-studio DJ, kids.
I don’t care how many times I have to cut and paste Snõõper’s name to preserve those weird accents, they’re worth it.
Out of all the songs to receive Animal Collective’s swirling dayglo treatment, “Jimmy Mack” might be the most unexpected yet the most deserving. Elsewhere tonight, loyal listener Underdog, usually located in the wilds of Georgia, was able to tune in around lunchtime while traveling in Japan, making the second show in a row with a listener based in Asia. Get me marketing!