Mixtape 116 • Hard To Explain
Coriky is three musicians crumpling up their resumes, throwing them to the floor, and showing you exactly what they can do.
Coriky is three musicians crumpling up their resumes, throwing them to the floor, and showing you exactly what they can do.
The topologist carefully unfolded the graph depicting prime number frequencies. Across the scrub, the baker was returning from the Unimog, having concluded the search, and from the looks of their empty hands, unsuccessfully. They must have left it in the cab back in Calabar. Wonderful. Together, they considered the placement of the carved stone monoliths before them, their geometric arrangement random to the average visitor, but a clear reflection of order to the ancient people of Alok Ikom, and apparently, also related to the graph before them, with cataclysmic mathematical consequences.
The screen door banged against the frame of the small building that was once Cisco, Utah’s non-bustling post office. It’s like a ghost town abandoned by the ghosts, mused the cinematographer. Whatever once haunted this place left out of boredom. Meanwhile, the blacksmith methodically tapped the foundation along the perimeter of the building. They had brought the infractometer over from the side-by-side they had arrived in, but sometimes the old ways worked best. The rhythm etched out a Namibian bossanova that had been popular in the ‘70s. The entrance to the silo complex had to be near.
This is HOUSE MUSIC, a special one-hour mixtape from yours truly featuring songs about homes, residences, possibly apartments, and other locations of abode. I ran out of time and didn’t get to play “Stranger In The House” with Elvis Costello and George Jones, but surely it will fit into a future show.
They're all over the place, but that's what I like about Post Animal. "Dirtpicker" owes much to the Jesus Lizard, especially in its title.
Time has not dulled the edge of this band. "Show Me The Sun" highlights their psychedelic side.
This song by La Louma sure is a catchy anthem for us skeptics and cynics.