Mixtape 279 • Cleopatras
Like a refreshing blast of tepid water, Warmduscher is sure to hit the spot.
Like a refreshing blast of tepid water, Warmduscher is sure to hit the spot.
A very special New Year’s Eve edition, distinguished by the fact it makes absolutely no attempt to be any different from most other alternate Tuesday nights! Other than wrapping up the show with The Dismemberment Plan and “The Ice Of Boston” as the clock nears midnight. Pop open that third bottle of bubbly, indeed.
Fail to properly assess the infectious potential of La Femme at your own peril.
Headstrong and filled with boundless energy, Goat bring you a world full of hypnorhythms.
It’s fitting to receive instruction from Art Brut on how the whole band thing works. Rumor has it there’s new music on the way, and I could not be more excited. Notice to the faithful listeners: the show will be off on the expected December 17, but will return for a special off-schedule holiday showcase on the 24th.
The end of the year slide has commenced, and things feel somewhat lackadaisical, but there’s still a huge backlog of new music to get through. Among the highlights is a new album from Amyl and the Sniffers, which contains lots of great stuff the FCC would frown on, but I was able to find one track that required minimal editing for compatibility.
Don’t let the luxuriant snowy cap of decidedly English hair fool you, Nick Lowe remains sharp and smooth as ever.
It’s election night in the US, but the whole point of today’s show is to pretend it isn’t. To that end, we are kicking off with my new favorites AK/DK — they sound ready to take the system apart using only the crudest electromechanical components. Big shout out to the crew near Rocket Park who enjoyed the show to the point of calling in. Long live the Gizzle!