Mixtape 271 • Bad Guys Win
Do not be intimidated by their size, or their nudity — Naked Giants are just here to have a rocking good time.
Do not be intimidated by their size, or their nudity — Naked Giants are just here to have a rocking good time.
The end of the year slide has commenced, and things feel somewhat lackadaisical, but there’s still a huge backlog of new music to get through. Among the highlights is a new album from Amyl and the Sniffers, which contains lots of great stuff the FCC would frown on, but I was able to find one track that required minimal editing for compatibility.
DJ Shadow, master of spin and finesse of fader, hits hard and in the nick of time.
Let’s face it, we’re going to be hearing tracks from The Bug Club for a couple months, since I keep finding gems strewn loosely about their most recent album. Lots of listeners checked in for this show, my apologies to those that checked out during the elevator hellride at the beginning of the show. Technical issues, we’re working on them.
Scruffy and rough around the edges, South London’s shame will not back down or pull a punch, but will put their arm on your shoulder and make you sing along
Alternative rock with a tinge of Americana, the perfect thing to eat up miles and miles of road trip.