Mixtape 269 • Tiny Bikini
If you're unsure of where you are and need to be put in your place quick, consult Amyl and the Sniffers.
If you're unsure of where you are and need to be put in your place quick, consult Amyl and the Sniffers.
The end of the year slide has commenced, and things feel somewhat lackadaisical, but there’s still a huge backlog of new music to get through. Among the highlights is a new album from Amyl and the Sniffers, which contains lots of great stuff the FCC would frown on, but I was able to find one track that required minimal editing for compatibility.
Don’t let the luxuriant snowy cap of decidedly English hair fool you, Nick Lowe remains sharp and smooth as ever.
Peel Dream Magazine extend a cordial invitation to visit their hallucinogenic analog planet.
YACHT dropped out of sight right before the whole "yacht rock" revival thing happened, but this release reinforces the band's penchant for commenting on current themes with the musical equivalent of wearing sunglasses inside the nightclub.
Looks like YACHT is back and gesticulating wildly about.
There’s a lot of great new music out there right now, and near the top of the heap is The Bug Club, whose most recent release is filled to the brim with joyful nuggets of everyday life. The school year has started and the coffers are overflowing with a lot of great new music.
Magic is in the air, so we are starting most appropriately with Boom Pam and their take on Steve Miller’s “Abracadabra,” herein entitled “Alakazam.” It only got more magical from there with new music from Nick Cave, Fake Fruit, and Los Bitchos, all of whom are presently on desktop rotation. Next week: a special Fund Drive show.