Anemone • Beat My Distance
Heavenly melodies, luscious harmonies, over-chorused guitar jangles, and a sunny sparkling delivery make this suitable for ‘90s 4AD fans.
Heavenly melodies, luscious harmonies, over-chorused guitar jangles, and a sunny sparkling delivery make this suitable for ‘90s 4AD fans.
A listener suggested I slip in Wham!’s “Last Christmas” but as someone filled with old-fashioned Lacking Integrity, I politely declined. That said, your host survived the season unscathed. In this episode, we dedicate the Middle Hour to some fine covers. Shout out to Robin in Atlanta for hanging out in the late-night post-holiday gulch.
This song by La Louma sure is a catchy anthem for us skeptics and cynics.
An eccentric selection of songs, teetering on the edges of what is considered decent girl-fronted pop.
Moody, semi-whispered low vocals and reverb-drenched guitar twang make for some very cinematic material.