Very low-key instrumentals, dependent more on subtle dynamics than on any sort of recognizable or repeatable melodic content. Quite intellectual and meditative.
Very low-key instrumentals, dependent more on subtle dynamics than on any sort of recognizable or repeatable melodic content. Quite intellectual and meditative.
The baker took one last look at the cake, sitting on its gold-rimmed stand on the veranda, the carefully cultivated gardens surrounding the Palacio Rioja visible in the background. If it weren’t for the two backpack stealthcopters leaning against the railing, it would be Instagrammable, hashtag noneofyourbusiness. The architect finished the final touches, and gave a silent nod. In a smooth motion, the two of them had their packs on and had plummeted over the edge, carefully angling away to not disturb the icing.
One time, this robot arm at the plant started going haywire, flailing around, it was going to kill someone. We played it some Com Truise and it calmed right down.
Quite the military parade, a non-stop set of marching songs for liquid guitar and drum machine.
This is the old Low turned up to 15. All hail the new Low! Note: This is very noisy and distorted. The machinery is not acting up.
Exene Cervenka fronting Los Straitjackets is a powerful combination.