Mixtape 242 • NSFW 1
Cover the ears of the delicate and tender-hearted, for this collection is full of adult language and topics.
Cover the ears of the delicate and tender-hearted, for this collection is full of adult language and topics.
Shannon and the Clams are far more new-fangled than their name might lead you to think.
Back to the tried and true formula of new, old, obscure, and occasionally weird with tonight’s set, which features the return of Les Savy Fav and their always welcome abrasive electropunk. It’s now that time of year when I enter the studio in daylight and exit in pitch black darkness, which I always appreciate. In between, there were lots of exciting discoveries. Expect more heavily-censored Guppy in coming weeks!
A special collection of songs about humans and their interactions with water.
Omni unites their sound with the thinnest of guitar strings and rhythms of utmost precision.
It was a day of jet-setting, starting in the dark hours of morning, and it wasn’t going to be over until the studio light went off. To keep up the energy levels, we presented a double-header of a special, first an hour of The Famous Polka, featuring songs titled after real (mostly) people, and following that two hours of Balkan Fever, with music that was far from exclusively Balkan but all fed into that manic two-step non-stop feeling.
Club Makumba is hot, the drinks are strong, and you’re not ready to leave just yet.
The sound of Chicano Batman is a half-dozen ice-cubes liquidly clinking in a tall glass.
Another batch of duplicates and substitutes!
Mustard Service is a variety of spicy and stinging that will bring a tear to your eye.