A soundboard that lets you generate background noise by mixing together a variety of looping sources, from the mundane and useful ("I'm calling you from the coffee shop") to the purely hypothetical ("marching band vs zombie apocalypse").
Maybe you know someone who is into modular synthesizers and have feelings about all the patch cables and apparently random knob-fiddling. If that's the case, proceed with caution as this browser-based programming language levels up the abstraction.
It’s been thirty years since Green Day’s Dookie changed music forever, and this project, which crams each and every song on the release into a different lo-fi representation, is truly giving it its proper due. The sample videos are quite worth watching.
Sure, bring your slick neon-tinged indie rock in here. I don't care that you sprinkled keyboards and saxophones all over in addition to the stabbing guitars, distressed vocals, and plucky bass. It just needs a beat we can dance to.