Mixtape 120 • She Now
Part of what will be known as the Great Australian Psychedelic Expansion, Bananagun is more incense and lava lamps than strobes and smoke machines.
Part of what will be known as the Great Australian Psychedelic Expansion, Bananagun is more incense and lava lamps than strobes and smoke machines.
The earth rumbled into an appropriate angle of repose as the bucket wheel ground to a halt. On the ground, the sapper raised an arm to signal to the operator, sitting high above in an air-conditioned cab as disproportionately tiny as a brontosaurus brain. The sounds of Taiwanese ragtime could be heard on the earpiece now that the excavator had stopped digging into the hard Upper Peninsula soil. This machine was capable of extracting tons of copper ore in a single hour, but now it was digging for something far more valuable.
With the temperatures plunging into the single digits, we did our best to stay warm with piping hot new releases and explosive blasts from the past. This marks not only the first show of the year, but also the first weekly appearance of The Lacking Organization on KAFM. It’s on EVERY Tuesday night from here on out… tune in and freak out!
Exene Cervenka fronting Los Straitjackets is a powerful combination.