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Noodle Soup

KAFM Grand Junction, 9pm - 12am

The journey to the island had been placid, cutting through the postcard-blue waters on the kite hydrofoil like an experienced tailor shearing fine cloth for a new suit. Things were a bit more complicated now that they were at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum. The horologist consulted the mission notes, which simply stated “remove all anachronistic displays.” The historian, fearing seasickness, had taken a pill and was now having a comically adverse reaction that rendered them useless for these judgements. A security guard eyed them warily, but perhaps they could turn the situation to their advantage by playing up the effects as excessive inebriation.

The journey to the island had been placid, cutting through the postcard-blue waters on the kite hydrofoil like an experienced tailor shearing fine cloth for a new suit. Things were a bit more complicated now that they were at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum. The horologist consulted the mission notes, which simply stated “remove all anachronistic displays.” The historian, fearing seasickness, had taken a pill and was now having a comically adverse reaction that rendered them useless for these judgements. A security guard eyed them warily, but perhaps they could turn the situation to their advantage by playing up the effects as excessive inebriation.
Born Ruffians
Noodle Soup
Born Ruffians
A fullsome chorus
Tom Young Of Radioface
Bad Bad Meow
Lotta name-dropping
True Love
You try googling “true love wrong”
Black Boots
Young Fresh Fellows
Sure sounds stompy
— • BREAK • —
Sleeping Without You
A daring proposition
Gary of the Academy
Smart and horny
That's Just Life
The Last
Organ howler
— • BREAK • —
Sarah's Flame
Drive-By Truckers
Warm and cozy
Like An Arrow
Lavender Diamond
Commence the ritual
Jeff Tweedy
Dedicated to a garden spider
She's So Sinful
Heavy heavy three
— • BREAK • —
Star Feminine Band
Hot stuff out of Benin
Niños Con Bombas
An explosive polka missive
Watching the Detectives
Elvis Costello
Top-shelf Jazzmastering
Return of Django
Asian Dub Foundation
Dub-happy wooziness
— • BREAK • —
High School (Don't Like Them)
Naked Giants
Remember when
The Bobby Lees
Cold start, hot tune
From His Lips
The Wrens
New stuff from the Wrens REAL SOON
Toadstool Experiment
Oh Sees
Very experimental
— • BREAK • —
The Kinks
What a lovely day today
Crazy Love
Daniel Johnston
Baring his soul
The Rave-Ups
Ducky was robbed
Wild Honey Pie
The Squirrels
Nice choice
— • BREAK • —
superiority complex (big noise)
illuminati hotties
Handsome Boy Modeling School
Back by popular demand
Forever Dudes
Still Flyin'
Join us
Vacant Lot
The Growlers
Not the saddest though
— • BREAK • —
Tout le monde le sait
Les idiots
Because everybody knows
Arnold Layne
Robyn Hitchcock
Clearly he’s a fan of the Vegetable Man
Monica No Samba
DJ Dolores
Deconstructed and reinstructed
I Dream (for You)
Com Truise
Praise be DX7
— • BREAK • —
Hotel Celebrity
The Paranoyds
Off kilter retroactivity
Turn On The Water
Afghan Whigs
Descending to the depths
Next to You and the Sea
Reaching across untold distances
— • BREAK • —
A Tale of Golden Keys
Intricate construction
Ex Oh
Bootsy Collins
Featuring Larry Graham
Speech Defects
Le Hammond Inferno
Perfectly enunciated
— • BREAK • —
Rat Queen
The Mountain Goats
As foretold by the ancient texts
I'm Gonna Take You Home (And Make You Like Me)
Robbie Fulks
Great repartee
Melody Line
The Solace Brothers
An under-appreciated band
— • BREAK • —
Café Sin Leche (feat. Arthur Yoria)
Free Radicals
Morning coffee
Boom Pam
Sabre dancing
Mano Negra
It’s time to go
Mosquita Muerta
La Francachela
All about the dead fly
— • BREAK • —
Kruder + Dorfmeister
Quite environmental

Approximately Relevant

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Mixtape 153 • Peba

Mixtape 153 • Peba

The sound of Star Feminine Band is born of Benin, brightly colored patterns, and wild abandon, young carefree voices skipping over liquid guitar and intense percussion.

Queen Bee

Queen Bee

“Batu means ‘rock’ in Malay” said the photographer, for the third time in a week. The sous-chef ignored the comment, also for the third time, and tried squinting in the darkness at the cribbage board. They had been wise enough to purchase a glow-in-the-dark deck after all these midnight assignments, but had yet to extend their ingenuity to the board. Tapping a foot in irritation, they knocked over the thermos full of hot cocoa set on the steps, and it would have rolled down several long flights of guano-covered stairs had it not been stopped by the tandem bike’s wheel leaning against the statue’s pedestal. Above them, Lord Murugan stared stonily into the dark.

Mixtape 150 • Secret Canine Agent

Mixtape 150 • Secret Canine Agent

Viagra Boys don’t care what you think… there’s plenty of room for a saxophone and John Prine covers in the backseat of a 21st century punk band.

Mixtape 151 • Lovesick

Mixtape 151 • Lovesick

Sometimes rock and roll seems to get stuck in a rut, but The New Madness bring fresh life to a sound that was old before they were born.