Swervedriver • Future Ruins
Hailing from the original wave of shoegaze, the band delivers the expected dosage of swooping guitar amidst dream-state vocals and rock rhythms
Hailing from the original wave of shoegaze, the band delivers the expected dosage of swooping guitar amidst dream-state vocals and rock rhythms
The beat rules supreme, the instrumentation is slinky, the vocals are coaxing you to the dance floor, and the whole thing says you’re going to be up all night.
Snow was expected, but never showed up. Suits me fine. Surprisingly, this is the third episode of 2019, and I’m warming up to the hectic weekly pace. Thanks to Mark, Generoso, Lily, and Robin for tuning in and triumphing over the depths of midwinter midnight.
This is SOME LIKE IT HOT, a Mixtape of music about all things that are Not Cold, an hour of songs about heat and warm places, and bands that celebrate this elusive phenomenon. Although sometimes it resorts to extremes, it is hoped that this sonic concoction delivers some measure of imaginary heat to the listener.
It's a slack time for new releases, but The Lacking Organization still has a tremendous backlog of excellent music from 2018 to work through. Gratitude to tonight's participants, ranging from Charley attending CES in Las Vegas to Sean fiddling with the dial and wondering if he got the right station.
These lush harmonies with a sharp pop sensibility are hiding a set of biting and insightful lyrics.
With the temperatures plunging into the single digits, we did our best to stay warm with piping hot new releases and explosive blasts from the past. This marks not only the first show of the year, but also the first weekly appearance of The Lacking Organization on KAFM. It’s on EVERY Tuesday night from here on out… tune in and freak out!
A listener suggested I slip in Wham!’s “Last Christmas” but as someone filled with old-fashioned Lacking Integrity, I politely declined. That said, your host survived the season unscathed. In this episode, we dedicate the Middle Hour to some fine covers. Shout out to Robin in Atlanta for hanging out in the late-night post-holiday gulch.
High octane fuel for your sonic funnycar, this is a set of guitar driven fuzzy twang, straddling the line between country and rock but doing it sideways and lots of attitude.