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Version Control 1.0

KAFM Grand Junction, 12am - 3am

I’ve done a couple dozen all-covers shows already, usually during fundraising, but for some reason have never come up with a name for them. It must have been because the painfully obvious Version Control hadn’t occurred to me yet, a real embarrassing confession given my day job in the realm of code. At any rate, it is here, and we are going to be versioning them semantically starting now.

I’ve done a couple dozen all-covers shows already, usually during fundraising, but for some reason have never come up with a name for them. It must have been because the painfully obvious <strong>Version Control</strong> hadn’t occurred to me yet, a real embarrassing confession given my day job in the realm of code. At any rate, it is here, and we are going to be versioning them semantically starting now.
I Can't Stand The Rain
Or the snow
The Joker
Fruit Bats
The cutest thing I ever did see
— • BREAK • —
Frame By Frame
Rob Crow
For Judy + Audio Espresso
Career Opportunities
Sex Clark Five
Warped out clash sounds
— • BREAK • —
Elliott Smith
Overwhelming vocalization
Dear Prudence
Siouxsie + the Banshees
About a Farrow
— • BREAK • —
No Pares Hasta Tener Lo Suficiente (Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough)
Los Miticos Del Ritmo
De Maicol Jacson
Crimson + Clover
Pom Pom Squad
Tremolo supreme
— • BREAK • —
Red Right Hand
Nell Smith & The Flaming Lips
Uncomfortable listening
Doctor My Eyes
Ben Folds
Piano mover
— • BREAK • —
Passenger Side
Kurt Vile
Riding in style
Marquee Moon
— • BREAK • —
Farmer John
Los Lobos
A stomping good time
Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
Sharon Jones + The Dap-Kings
Efficiently shipped
My Flash On You
Loving the Love
— • BREAK • —
Motherless Children
Brian Ritchie
Old Delta blues
Listen, The Snow Is Falling
Stephin Merritt
Thank you Yoko
Plastic Jesus
The Flaming Lips
You need cool hands
Smile a Little Smile for Me
Yo La Tengo
So very wholesome
— • BREAK • —
Daylight Matters (Originally by Cate Le Bon)
black midi
Bold choice of material
Lemmy Gaga
Les idiots
The only way to live
No One Knows
The Vaccines
Brings back Guitar Hero memories
Mala Vida
Gogol Bordello
Viva la Mano Negra!
— • BREAK • —
Run Run Run
Amber Coffman
Get a load of Yoko
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Susanna And The Magical Orchestra
Sparse and beautiful
If You A Viper
Erin McKeown
What is she talking about guys
Il Clan Dei Siciliani
For the Morriconne fans
— • BREAK • —
The Black Angel’s Death Song
Fontaines D.C.
Sharp and stabbing
I’ll Be Your Mirror
Courtney Barnett
Another dose of Velvets
These Days
Cat Power
Nico at her most wistful
Pigs On The Wing 2
Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade
Paying true tribute
— • BREAK • —
I'm Gonna Unmask the Batman
The Barrence Whitfield Soul Savage Arkestra
A message to outer space
Love To Love You Baby
Tom Tom Club
Disco flashbacks
The Model
Seu Jorge And Almaz
Intercontinentally famous
Clap Hands
One of Tom’s most incisive
— • BREAK • —
Popcorn 2006
Arling + Cameron
An evergreen theme
Space Oddity
A hymn for these times
The 8 of Space
Schneider TM
Again and again
Someone To Talk To (Dub)
Obscureness and delight
— • BREAK • —
Wear Your Love Like Heaven
Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog
Going out to Mike Hallberg!

Approximately Relevant

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Doctor My Eyes

Doctor My Eyes

Tonight started out with an hour of the sickest music around, which is to say songs about illness, medication, and other health-related issues. The following two hours were the usual incomprehensible mixture of genres and bad attitudes.

Divine Hammer

Divine Hammer

Australian Ben Lee broke through as the singer for the teen outfit Noise Addict, but has since made quite a solo career for himself. He kicks off this edition of Version Control — all covers, all night long.

Version Control III

Version Control III

The carefully curated collection of artists performing tracks made famous by other artists continues, in the third annual Version Control. Some of these could be so obscure as to ask “is it a cover if I never heard the original” but we can leave the answering of that to the armchair philosophers. I’ll go on the record saying a good song is a good song no matter who performs it. Also, to the listener and fellow cassette afficionado that complained about Maxell and Memorex being mentioned in the same breath: my point is that neither one of them is TDK.