· mixtapes
Mixtape 261 • The Famous Polka I
Welcome to a near-biographical experience as we focus on songs named after (and occasionally about) real people you may have heard of.
Welcome to a near-biographical experience as we focus on songs named after (and occasionally about) real people you may have heard of.
It was a day of jet-setting, starting in the dark hours of morning, and it wasn’t going to be over until the studio light went off. To keep up the energy levels, we presented a double-header of a special, first an hour of The Famous Polka, featuring songs titled after real (mostly) people, and following that two hours of Balkan Fever, with music that was far from exclusively Balkan but all fed into that manic two-step non-stop feeling.
It was a quiet night. Somehow, three songs with states in the title ended up in the second hour, so I bumped them all to the top for a mini-tour.