Kyle Craft • Showboat Honey
This is salty, and tangy, and spicy, and sweet, like the musical equivalent of a Mexican tamarind candy. It sounds so Sixties and Seventies that it must be from Today.
This is salty, and tangy, and spicy, and sweet, like the musical equivalent of a Mexican tamarind candy. It sounds so Sixties and Seventies that it must be from Today.
Spiky little numbers filled with quicksilver guitar lines, the occasional horn section, punky drums and bass, and sing-song female vocals that sound like someone making fun of their bullies.
This is heavy pounding music that is pounding and heavy, also distorted, and pounding and heavy. Somewhat repetitive, but some of us like it like that, and pounding, and heavy.
Incredibly smart power pop overflowing with fat analog synth lines and enough earworms and hooks to launch a sonic fishing expedition.
Crafty pop punk, brimming over with chunky guitars, layered female vocals, and lots of sneering.
At one time, electronic soul felt like the future of music, but here is Hot Chip doing just the same thing in 2019 and it feels nostalgic.
Insistent angular weirdfunk, songs that sound like tape loops that have fallen out of order and yet maintain a diligent desire to be songs.
Nice indie guitar sounds, with whispery vocals and a meandering melodic spirit.
A set of guitar-centered mid-tempo numbers that live somewhere in the region staked out by jazz, funk, and soul.
Songs that the Purple One wrote for others, as performed by the person who wrote them. A good set of well-produced demos, but nothing that should have been released a long time ago and mostly of historical interest.