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Power Chords

KAFM Grand Junction, 10pm - 12am

The driver felt the leads tremble under their hands. The navigator clung resolutely to the sled, keeping an eye on the white horizon of the Wexford hills as they put some miles between themselves and the Monongahela. The only sound besides the rushing skids on the snow and the panting of the dogs was a faint crackle of song leaking from the driver’s earpiece. The heist had been a success; behind them, a net filled with silver Mylar balloons trailed and bobbed in the generated midnight wind.

The driver felt the leads tremble under their hands. The navigator clung resolutely to the sled, keeping an eye on the white horizon of the Wexford hills as they put some miles between themselves and the Monongahela. The only sound besides the rushing skids on the snow and the panting of the dogs was a faint crackle of song leaking from the driver’s earpiece. The heist had been a success; behind them, a net filled with silver Mylar balloons trailed and bobbed in the generated midnight wind.
Mike Krol
Power Chords
Mike Krol
Truth in advertising
Some Birds
Jeff Tweedy
At his tweediest
Dazed And Chinese
— • BREAK • —
The Ting Tings
In the zone
Cat Power
Understated format
A.C. Newman
The triumph of a great hook
Pale Blue Eyes
Deer Tick
Because the Velvet Underground
— • BREAK • —
Redd Kross
Still scorching hot
Kundalini Express
Love And Rockets
All aboard!
Ten Feet Tall
Twang Bang
That's pretty tall
Away From Home
Klark Kent
I entertain my rancid date
— • BREAK • —
Delicate Steve
Channeling Zappa
Stand Up Tragedy
The Fratellis
Perfect for head-bobbin
Mucha Muchacha
Too much girl!
I Am A Rasta Man
The Slackers Featuring Chris Murray
Can't go wrong with this combination
— • BREAK • —
Death in Midsummer
Olde tyme
Bone Machine
Remains fresh
On The Corner
Heroic Doses
Intense instruments
Ratcheting up
— • BREAK • —
Singapore `66
The Mach Kung-Fu
Flash in Japan
The Day Bobby Fuller Died
The Transgressors
The shoe fits
Smile Into A Scowl
The Pilgrims
A real downer
Architects and Engineers
Prime form
— • BREAK • —
Strange poetry, man
Shadow Of The Cross
Justus Proffit
Intersecting musical angles
Boom Boom
The formula, it works
You Go Bangin' On
The Go
Skiffle and stomp
— • BREAK • —
Thee Elegant Bum
The Dandy Warhols
Somewhat menacing for an elegant bum
Spiked Flower
It's a rumbling crush
Unnatural Interest in Excretory Functions
Lost Atlanta musical genius
Tomato Rose
An ‘80s streak
— • BREAK • —
Mats / Morgan
The aesthetics of complication

Approximately Relevant

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The keypad beeped softly as the astronomer keyed in the coordinates. It was deepest darkest night on the altiplano, the stars above an unfamiliar configuration for those born to northern skies. The physicist tapped their pencil against their favorite clipboard (the metal one), the coffee-stained papers clipped to it showing the revised calculations for the Hole In The Sky. Over the tinny intercom, hacked because both had forgotten to bring a speaker, a particularly ironic song choice began to play, making them instinctively share a knowing glance.

Darwin Derby

Darwin Derby

The thin Nebraska ice crackled ominously as one of the occupants of the well-appointed tent leaned back on their recliner. They peered at their line, descending into the near-freezing water and vibrating sympathetically to the sounds of the radio. The other ice-fisher threw a log on the fire, pausing in recognition at the song before smiling and turning it up.

The Lunatics

The Lunatics

We’re starting out with new music from Beatsteaks, who are taking on the Fun Boy Three’s “The Lunatics (Have Taken Over The Asylum)” for our opener. Tonight’s show featured both Molecular Steve and Delicate Steve, both of whom have new albums out, so I expect another couple of Steve-heavy shows in the future.



It was a night for mazzy music, starting with a startlingly woozy track from Maya Hawke and following up with entries from many other exemplary female vocalists with a unique sense of melody and delivery. Also, it’s now light when I leave for the radio station, and midnight when I return, which adds a sense of interdimensional time travel to the broadcasting ritual, I’m going to enjoy that for a few more shows before it’s back to operating under the cover of darkness.