Mixtape 271 • Bad Guys Win
Do not be intimidated by their size, or their nudity — Naked Giants are just here to have a rocking good time.
Do not be intimidated by their size, or their nudity — Naked Giants are just here to have a rocking good time.
Headstrong and filled with boundless energy, Goat bring you a world full of hypnorhythms.
If you're unsure of where you are and need to be put in your place quick, consult Amyl and the Sniffers.
It’s fitting to receive instruction from Art Brut on how the whole band thing works. Rumor has it there’s new music on the way, and I could not be more excited. Notice to the faithful listeners: the show will be off on the expected December 17, but will return for a special off-schedule holiday showcase on the 24th.
Gather your sins and bring them to Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers.
The end of the year slide has commenced, and things feel somewhat lackadaisical, but there’s still a huge backlog of new music to get through. Among the highlights is a new album from Amyl and the Sniffers, which contains lots of great stuff the FCC would frown on, but I was able to find one track that required minimal editing for compatibility.
AK/DK wield their throbbing oscillators in the greater service of Electropunk.
Don’t let the luxuriant snowy cap of decidedly English hair fool you, Nick Lowe remains sharp and smooth as ever.
If you dig a big fat sawtooth wave riff standing in the front and nearly hitting you in the face with the mic stand, then Brighton's AK/DK has your number. Turn it up and ready yourself to spasm uncontrollably.