· playlists

Mana Takatāpui

KAFM Grand Junction, 9pm - 12am

The new album from Jen Cloher is magnificent, and when her Twitter account favorited the playlist entry for the lead track tonight, I near swooned. I recommend you listen to I Am The River, The River Is Me from start to finish, and enjoy something you’ll be doing for years to come for the first time. In other news, our recently adopted cat Princess Otoboke Beaver (aka Pris) gave birth to four healthy kittens on St. Patrick’s day — Ziggy, Stardust, Spider, and Mars.

The new album from <strong>Jen Cloher</strong> is magnificent, and when her Twitter account favorited the playlist entry for the lead track tonight, I near swooned. I recommend you listen to <em>I Am The River, The River Is Me</em> from start to finish, and enjoy something you’ll be doing for years to come for the first time. In other news, our recently adopted cat Princess Otoboke Beaver (aka Pris) gave birth to four healthy kittens on St. Patrick’s day — Ziggy, Stardust, Spider, and Mars.
Jen Cloher
Storm Warning
Originally from Lynn Taitt
— • BREAK • —
Mana Takatāpui
Jen Cloher
Like a razor laser
Back and forth
David Vandervelde
Just trying to stay warm
I Don't Know What You See In Me
Belle + Sebastian
Big big production
— • BREAK • —
I.C. Timer
Les Savy Fav
Very brainiac
DJ Me DJ You
Underdog-level clean
Low Rider
The ur-cowbell
— • BREAK • —
C30-C60-C90 Go!
Bow Wow Wow
Get your rudiments
Breaking the Balls of History
You got it, Sam
Jo Passed
Everybody get in line
Shakin 89
Spot 1019
Frantic flame-out
— • BREAK • —
I Want
The Apples In Stereo
Big hunks of sweet sound
Starlight Mints
The countdown is unstoppable
YOUR Mexican Restaurant
Young Fresh Fellows
Covering all the bases
Uptight (Everything's Alright)
Jonah Jones
Flashing and smoking
— • BREAK • —
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Fickle Friends
Densely packed
Never Had Nobody Like You
M. Ward
Taking it easy
The Arcs
Hovering above reach
When The Angels Play Their Drum Machines
For a rainy day
— • BREAK • —
Magic Powers
Death Valley Girls
Dune surfing
Smokey Taboo
Curling trails of incense
Hey Monet
The Nude Party
Go van Gogh
The Sheik of Araby
Top Shelf Jazz
It’s like a dream
— • BREAK • —
Delia Smith
What’s the craic
Newfound Oxygen
Steady Holiday
Low key
Brontez Booty Beat
King Khan
The wires are alive tonight
Tighten Everything
The Vicious Cycles
Check twice
— • BREAK • —
Don't You Want Me
The Human League
Everyone knows the first line
Everything Stops For Acid
Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer
Almost everything
Cheesecake Truck
King Missile
No regrets
Shut Your Mouth
The Donettes
Be quiet
— • BREAK • —
African Magic Combo
All sorts of medley
Little Mack's Shuffle
The Morrocco Muzik Makers
Shuffle it out
Tira O Pe
Buraka Som Sistema
About to explode
— • BREAK • —
Hush Pup
Luigee Trademarq
Will there be doing?
The Turns
The Telescopes
Distant lights
Lieber Honig
Yann Tiersen
— • BREAK • —
Western Town, with Road to Mountain
North Americans
Patience is a virtue
Tonight’s Episode
Yo La Tengo
Traveling the time tunnel
Day One (feat. Dina Ipavic)
A new beginning
— • BREAK • —
Bottom Of The Ocean
Fever Ray

Approximately Relevant

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Ride On

Ride On

As it happens, if yours truly has a Valentine’s gig, it’ll be followed by one on Pi Day. Except on leap years. But the point here is that I thought about doing a show themed on circles, spheres, and other such expressions of the number and decided against it, but keep your ears peeled for some future incarnation of a “Round and Round” playlist. Instead, tonight we kick things off with the sort-of eponymous track from The Nude Party’s latest release, and wrap things up with about 30 seconds of Railroad Jerk, because technical difficulties.

The Final Hour III

The Final Hour III

Every so often, I’ll gather up some of my favorite tracks from the last sixty minutes of my three-hour radio show and create an entire episode of The Final Hour, this one being the third such installment. This is the music that is played between 11pm and midnight, and it’s generally darker, more instrumental, sometimes even experimental, and this is an opportunity for the chronologically challenged to experience some of that closer to their regular waking hours.

Mixtape 184 &bull; Western Town

Mixtape 184 • Western Town

It’s been a while since something has made me sit down and listen like the North Americans’ steel-string ambient flow.

Version Control III

Version Control III

The carefully curated collection of artists performing tracks made famous by other artists continues, in the third annual Version Control. Some of these could be so obscure as to ask “is it a cover if I never heard the original” but we can leave the answering of that to the armchair philosophers. I’ll go on the record saying a good song is a good song no matter who performs it. Also, to the listener and fellow cassette afficionado that complained about Maxell and Memorex being mentioned in the same breath: my point is that neither one of them is TDK.