· mixtapes

Mixtape 160 • Petey Jones' Locker

The Ghoulies from Perth, Australia look like regular blokes caught out grocery shopping, but the sound they make is an urgent, insistent punk rock howl with a frenetic keyboard bubbling through.

The Ghoulies from Perth, Australia look like regular blokes caught out grocery shopping, but the sound they make is an urgent, insistent punk rock howl with a frenetic keyboard bubbling through.
Petey Jones' Locker
Who needs energy drinks?
Frantic calculations
Mr. Orange
Dengue Fever
Sounds like a dangerous character
Mon dieu, les banlieues (Featuring Laszlo Loco)
Monsieur LeRoc
That beat
— • BREAK • —
La Luna de Noviembre
Mexican Institute of Sound
That optigan sound
Jazz Musik
Bill Wolford
Appeasing the jazz heads
— • BREAK • —
HHY & The Kampala Unit
With occasional music
A Fable With No Moral
Truly an epic tale
— • BREAK • —
Poor Lost Souls
Jimbo Mathus & Andrew Bird
A modern pilgrimage
Athol Brose
Nouvelle Vague
Originally by Cocteau Twins
Yours Truly, The Commuter
Jason Lytle
Coming in for a landing
For The Mekons et al
Palace Brothers
Name check deluxe
— • BREAK • —
Static Electricity
King Gizzard + the Lizard Wizard
Microtone my ears to pieces
A Million Miles (Locked Down and Stripped Back Version)
The Wedding Present
Freshly delivered
When Winter Comes
The Ophelias
Descending into madness
Jocko Homo (Live)
Going out to Gumborg
— • BREAK • —
Satta Massagana
The Abyssinians
Deep roots
Giddy Up
The Actions
Audio sunshine
The Liquidator
Harry J. All Stars
Sounding familiar
— • BREAK • —
Go Outside
Nailed it
Joe "King" Carrasco
Texan to the core
— • BREAK • —
Presidici (Et Chapaquiditch)
The Jesus + Mary Chain
Still fuzzing
— • BREAK • —
They Took Your Brains Tonight
The Deathray Davies
The process of zombiefiecation
Cambridge California
Flailing the multicolored trolley
Going Down
The Moles
Old and from down under
Frankie and the Witch Fingers
Urgent communique
Miss America
That Handsome Devil
Downtempo and unruly
— • BREAK • —
Dolly Pardon
People Like Us
Where to start
Balloon Race Phenomenon
The Lonesome Organist
Out. of. control.
Laconic and disparate
— • BREAK • —
By the Sea at the End of the World
Tommy Guerrero
The clave is the key

Approximately Relevant

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Mixtape 165 • Sauce Piquante

Mixtape 165 • Sauce Piquante

At a time when we need the positive carefree sound of French yeh-yeh the most, April March comes through with a spicy new number.

No One Knows

No One Knows

There are voices so distinctive that their timbre is an instrument onto itself. This is the case with Josh Caterer, who was first heard singing for a band called The Smoking Popes. He has a wildly diverse solo career now, but tonight we play his reworked version of a Popes song.

Mixtape 171 • Scarcity Is Manufactured

Mixtape 171 • Scarcity Is Manufactured

For a quarter century, Deerhoof have been a benchmark for the contrasting dynamics of sweet and sour, spiked and pillowy, and all manner of sounds that should not get along but quite obviously do.

Mixtape 163 • Magic Pants

Mixtape 163 • Magic Pants

The Scientists have been conducting their Australian experiments in proto-punk for over four decades now, and it's surprising that they've yet to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.