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Geordie Greep • The New Sound

Rough Trade • released 2024-10-04

Geordie makes good use of a voice that's as smooth as silk and a delivery that promises the utmost reliability, but it's not making a discernible effort to distract from the wonderful glitchiness and complication that hides in the background.


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black midi &bull; <i>Covercade</i>

black midi • Covercade

Out of many odd cover-filled releases bands have ejected over the last year-plus, this is one of the most disparate and interesting, partly from the selections and the interstitial music, but mostly because it’s not what you expect from black midi.

black midi &bull; <i>Schlagenheim</i>

black midi • Schlagenheim

Insistent angular weirdfunk, songs that sound like tape loops that have fallen out of order and yet maintain a diligent desire to be songs.

Matt Berry &bull; <i>Heard Noises</i>

Matt Berry • Heard Noises

Matt Berry returns, this time emerging from his velvet time machine with a suitcase full of pop psychedelia worthy of a light show and some very stiff drinks, and you are but a wide-eyed innocent allowed to hang out at his groovy pad.

Audiobooks &bull; <i>Astro Tough</i>

Audiobooks • Astro Tough

“Charmingly abrasive” sounds like an oxymoron, but it is certainly something that describes music like this, angular sounds and a distraught female voice rambling on about blue tits, and I don’t think she means birds.