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Clinic &bull; <i>Fantasy Island</i>

Clinic • Fantasy Island

In this sterile brushed steel and gleaming plastic environment, underneath the tangles of tubing and wires and chirping electronic devices operating at their own rhythms, below the readouts and blinking lights, beats a mighty analog heart.

Hot Chip &bull; <i>A Bathfull of Ecstasy</i>

Hot Chip • A Bathfull of Ecstasy

At one time, electronic soul felt like the future of music, but here is Hot Chip doing just the same thing in 2019 and it feels nostalgic.

Panda Bear &bull; <i>Buoys</i>

Panda Bear • Buoys

Multilayered excursions into the analog and digital realms, blurring everything into a psychoactive tapestry.