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Blood Orange • Negro Swan
Domino • released 2018-08-24
This is a smooth collection of beats and grooves filled with intricate chord work and surprising vocals.

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This is a smooth collection of beats and grooves filled with intricate chord work and surprising vocals.
In this sterile brushed steel and gleaming plastic environment, underneath the tangles of tubing and wires and chirping electronic devices operating at their own rhythms, below the readouts and blinking lights, beats a mighty analog heart.
Bombastic pop filled with lush arrangements, bizarre chord extensions, and unexpected harmonies aren’t everyone’s cup of kombucha, but those of us that have acquired the taste will drink this stuff by the gallon.
The essence of R&B, with a soulful vocals that range from besotted to anguished and lush harmonic arrangements covering slow jams, hot funk and everything in between.
If you grew up on videogames, the frenetic multilayered synths will sound like the final moments of a big boss battle. If not, it sounds like a bunch of live Casio keyboards being sent down the garbage disposal. In a good way.