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Carbonas &bull; <i>Your Moral Superior</i>

Carbonas • Your Moral Superior

Fast and furious punk blasts that are over by the time you catch up with the hook, keeping true to the Ramones’ quarter-mile aesthetic

Teenage Bottlerocket &bull; <i>Stealing The Covers</i>

Teenage Bottlerocket • Stealing The Covers

It’s all in the name… fast and fuzzy blow-up-in-your-face pop punk. With an attitude. These songs are all covers, but they’re from unknown/unsigned bands, so point to you, Teenage Bottlerocket.

Art d'Ecco &bull; <i>Serene Demon</i>

Art d'Ecco • Serene Demon

Sure, bring your slick neon-tinged indie rock in here. I don't care that you sprinkled keyboards and saxophones all over in addition to the stabbing guitars, distressed vocals, and plucky bass. It just needs a beat we can dance to.