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Foxx Bodies &bull; <i>Vixen</i>

Foxx Bodies • Vixen

Get ready for some uncomfortable oversharing, set to the tune of early grunge, with an occasional jazz or doo-wop idiom thrown in… it’s a bit of uneasy listening but it gets its hooks into you.

Bully &bull; <i>Losing</i>

Bully • Losing

Wildly dynamic outfit with in-your-face female vocals. Sounds twenty years old and completely new at the same time.

Geordie Greep &bull; <i>The New Sound</i>

Geordie Greep • The New Sound

Geordie makes good use of a voice that's as smooth as silk and a delivery that promises the utmost reliability, but it's not making a discernible effort to distract from the wonderful glitchiness and complication that hides in the background.