· details
Beach House • 7
Sub Pop • released 2018-05-11
Washes of sound surround you as half-heard vocals intertwine with half-remembered melodies.

· details
Washes of sound surround you as half-heard vocals intertwine with half-remembered melodies.
A series of alien transmissions, ready for your fascinated decoding. A layering of sounds that are salty, sweet, savory. An incomprehensible message competing with a carnival across town and your roommate blasting Led Zeppelin through muffling walls.
Sweetness and sunshine without overstepping into cloying and saccharine, with chiming guitars and subtle keyboard hooks providing a bed for clear female croonings.
Eminently danceable and frequently dark, this is what robots put on to seduce each other
Dark and light, sparse and lush, this is an album of dynamics and contrast, fronted by an angelic female voice.