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HalfNoise • Natural Disguise

Congrats • released 2019-10-04

Forward-looking dance funk, the kind of music that immediately makes you grab the closest person by the wrist and drag them to the dance floor.

Forward-looking dance funk, the kind of music that immediately makes you grab the closest person by the wrist and drag them to the dance floor.

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Art d'Ecco &bull; <i>Serene Demon</i>

Art d'Ecco • Serene Demon

Sure, bring your slick neon-tinged indie rock in here. I don't care that you sprinkled keyboards and saxophones all over in addition to the stabbing guitars, distressed vocals, and plucky bass. It just needs a beat we can dance to.

Woody + Jeremy &bull; <i>Gravy In My Coffee</i>

Woody + Jeremy • Gravy In My Coffee

It’s like a solo bedroom funk-pop project, with all its trappings (spur-of-the-moment compositions, absurdist themes, flashes of intense brilliance), except it comes from two people. These songs will quickly settle into your head and raid the fridge.

Cory Wong &bull; <i>The Striped Album</i>

Cory Wong • The Striped Album

The celebrated funk guitarist releases this collection of R&B and/or big-band inflected compositions, featuring some notable guest stars, but it’s all just wrapping paper on a big cinderblock of groove.