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Old Time Relijun • See Now and How
K • released 2018-12-08
What kind of raving madman discotheque is this? I don’t care that the singer yells like a man stuck in a tarpit, I’m staying for the groove.

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What kind of raving madman discotheque is this? I don’t care that the singer yells like a man stuck in a tarpit, I’m staying for the groove.
It’s a fun party with Johnson, with his deep deep voice, laconic tone, and a boogie-down attitude from the Black Keys’ Patrick Carney
Sweeney’s carefully considered guitar lines are entwined with Will Oldham’s intimate quaver and lyrical prowess, and it’s uncanny how this occasional intersection of two very prolific artists sounds like it’s decades into its trajectory.
Forward-looking dance funk, the kind of music that immediately makes you grab the closest person by the wrist and drag them to the dance floor.
Old fashioned haunted country music… Orville Peck howls, croons, and yodels in a way that is extremely dramatic, yet never quite goes over the top.