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Makeness • Loud Patterns
Secretly Canadian • released 2018-04-06
An engaging hybrid of analog and electronic sounds, with occasional soulful vocals intertwined in the mix.

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An engaging hybrid of analog and electronic sounds, with occasional soulful vocals intertwined in the mix.
A heady brew of oscillations, arpeggios, and other pulsing throbbing sounds set against layered vocal harmonies that bring to mind multiple participants in a spacewalk aggregating to form a conga line.
Sparse and electronic, sometimes abrasive, this project from Swedish vocalist Karin Elisabeth Dreijer can be difficult and/or rewarding.
Annie Clarke’s strong voice floats effortlessly above a dense cascade of synthetic and organic sounds
Down to one original member, who recorded most of this in the Australian bush, this album sounds desperate and hopeful at the same time with its strange mix of acoustic, electronic, and environmental sounds.