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Rainbow Kitten Surprise • How To: Friend, Love, Freefal
Elektra • released 2018-04-06
Heady mix of folk, electronic and hip hop elements swirling together into something unique and accessible.

· details
Heady mix of folk, electronic and hip hop elements swirling together into something unique and accessible.
Some of that weird pop, this time with a definite tinge of Americana, or perhaps Canadiana, since the band is from Toronto
In this sterile brushed steel and gleaming plastic environment, underneath the tangles of tubing and wires and chirping electronic devices operating at their own rhythms, below the readouts and blinking lights, beats a mighty analog heart.
A heady brew of oscillations, arpeggios, and other pulsing throbbing sounds set against layered vocal harmonies that bring to mind multiple participants in a spacewalk aggregating to form a conga line.
Lush synthetic bitscapes, layered with drones, sweeps, short loops, and the ecstasy of robots make for a propulsive immersion into a world of flow.