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The Domestics • Little Darkness
Tender Loving Empire • released 2017-11-08
Highly melodic and full of dramatic sweeps in dynamics, this is a collection of songs that slowly grows on you.

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Highly melodic and full of dramatic sweeps in dynamics, this is a collection of songs that slowly grows on you.
When you’re closing out your fifth decade as a band, you might be expected to rehash all your tired tropes and package them as brand new nostalgia. Instead, this sounds like a lost album from the band’s golden era.
Exquisite rock and roll, filled with bombastic drenches of reverb and enough monster riffs to fill a stadium, powering through sounds psychedelic, surf-like, and power-chording, but with enough dynamics to keep it from becoming exhausting.
Psychedelic surf music from Portland, impossibly catchy and off-the-cuff, built on riffs that bludgeon you like a deliciously dense spongecake.
An exuberant mix of weird rock, Latin influences, and mysterious elements, resulting in some sort of white hot fusion.