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Bad Bad Meow :: Rick Rubin and Steve Albini Had Nothing To Do With This Record

Bad Bad Bad • released 2020-11-18

Weird manic indie funk-verging-on-pop with a weird manic sense of humor and they’re not afraid to throw in a horn section here and there to bolster their hooks and riffs.

Weird manic indie funk-verging-on-pop with a weird manic sense of humor and they’re not afraid to throw in a horn section here and there to bolster their hooks and riffs.

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The Bad Man :: Laughing With Bad Teeth

The Bad Man :: Laughing With Bad Teeth

The macabre sounds of The Bad Man will appeal to those who like dark carnivals and shadowy ringmasters rasping out bits of polka, sea shanty, ska, and more.

YACHT :: New Release

YACHT :: New Release

YACHT dropped out of sight right before the whole "yacht rock" revival thing happened, but this release reinforces the band's penchant for commenting on current themes with the musical equivalent of wearing sunglasses inside the nightclub.