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La Dame Blanche :: Bajo el Mismo Cielo

La Dame Blanche :: Bajo el Mismo Cielo

A Cuban transplant in Paris, this artist mixes Afro-Cuban elements with modern trap and reggaeton, spicing it up with many other influences to make for a very danceable time.

YACHT :: New Release

YACHT :: New Release

YACHT dropped out of sight right before the whole "yacht rock" revival thing happened, but this release reinforces the band's penchant for commenting on current themes with the musical equivalent of wearing sunglasses inside the nightclub.

BALTHVS :: Harvest

BALTHVS :: Harvest

What this band brings to the mainly-instrumental surf guitar disco potluck is exactly what you'd expect a band invited to the MISGDP to bring, but let's be honest for a minute: we don't ever want to run out.

Peel Dream Magazine :: Rose Main Reading Room

Peel Dream Magazine :: Rose Main Reading Room

Is it the analog synthesizer flourishes, or the gentle delivery with an aggressive intent, or the seamless shuttling between disparate elements that shouldn't work together? The band sounds perfectly familiar, yet completely its own thing.