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Speedy Ortiz • Twerp Verse
Carpark • released 2018-04-27
A powerful set of guitar pop songs, fronted by sometimes disaffected indie female vocals.

· details
A powerful set of guitar pop songs, fronted by sometimes disaffected indie female vocals.
Rock anthems filled with quirky bits of beat and string, layered with some honey-toned vocals and surging guitars.
On background listening, it’s a charming bedroom pop masterpiece filled with enticing musical details and catchy melodies. If you pay attention though, you’ll notice the lyrics transcend sarcasm and irony and go straight to sardonic, a rare treat.
A strong, sometimes raspy female voice in front of a very clever power indie band can be the equivalent of beige wallpaper after all these years, but this outfit rises above that with a generous dose of unique hooks and singalong rhymes.
Sounding a lot like the heyday of 1990s indie dream pop, Walrus keeps it a little spicy if not very distinctive.