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Hippo Campus • Bambi
Grand Jury • released 2018-09-28
Nicely done collection of funky pop, or poppy funk.

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Nicely done collection of funky pop, or poppy funk.
You might expect rowdy blues, or thrash-worthy hardcore from the name, but this is some very creative indie rock, using your standard ingredients yet somehow wringing out a distinctive texture and taste.
The second release in less than a year from this outfit continues along the same path, which is to say meticulously crafted indie guitar mini-symphonies.
Nailing the indie guitar sound is one thing, but Born Ruffians have become so adept at it that it’s more like lathering it in epoxy, then bolting it down, and adding some rivets for good measure.
Indie rock is evergreen, especially when mixed with elements of psychedelia and southern boogie.