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Foxx Bodies &bull; <i>Vixen</i>

Foxx Bodies • Vixen

Get ready for some uncomfortable oversharing, set to the tune of early grunge, with an occasional jazz or doo-wop idiom thrown in… it’s a bit of uneasy listening but it gets its hooks into you.

Darrin Bradbury &bull; <i>Artvertisement</i>

Darrin Bradbury • Artvertisement

On background listening, it’s a charming bedroom pop masterpiece filled with enticing musical details and catchy melodies. If you pay attention though, you’ll notice the lyrics transcend sarcasm and irony and go straight to sardonic, a rare treat.

Pom Pom Squad &bull; <i>Death of a Cheerleader</i>

Pom Pom Squad • Death of a Cheerleader

A solid debut album, with a wide range of energies and emotions, filled with swirling guitars, moments of unabashed vulnerability, and sheer screeching unhinged psychopathy.

The Rare Occasions &bull; <i>Big Whoop</i>

The Rare Occasions • Big Whoop

There is a lot of smart indie guitar pop out there these days, and this effort showcases this band’s ability to easily traverse that range, from anthemic hook-laden singalongs to richly harmonized earworms, with many unexpected stops in between.