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Pom Pom Squad &bull; <i>Death of a Cheerleader</i>

Pom Pom Squad • Death of a Cheerleader

A solid debut album, with a wide range of energies and emotions, filled with swirling guitars, moments of unabashed vulnerability, and sheer screeching unhinged psychopathy.

IDLES &bull; <i>Ultra Mono</i>

IDLES • Ultra Mono

It’s difficult to explain why this sort of aggressive guitar-forward post-punk sound feels so much more anthemic when it comes from the UK, but the effect is certainly there.

Frankie Cosmos &bull; <i>Close It Quietly</i>

Frankie Cosmos • Close It Quietly

Sweetness and sunshine without overstepping into cloying and saccharine, with chiming guitars and subtle keyboard hooks providing a bed for clear female croonings.

Fontaines D.C. &bull; <i>Dogrel</i>

Fontaines D.C. • Dogrel

Razor-sharp post-punk delivered with a disaffected Irish brogue. Very smart on many levels, recalling The Fall when they were at their most musical