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Wyves &bull; <i>R U OK?</i>

Wyves • R U OK?

Strutting around in Seventies duds, these songs get to the heart of the matter in 9 mile-per-gallon, leaded-gas-only style.

Death From Above &bull; <i>Outrage! is Now</i>

Death From Above • Outrage! is Now

There’s a very straight line between classic rock and this stuff — riff heavy, loaded with hooks and dynamics, and a sense of epic scale beyond the noise that some dudes with instruments could make.

Art d'Ecco &bull; <i>Serene Demon</i>

Art d'Ecco • Serene Demon

Sure, bring your slick neon-tinged indie rock in here. I don't care that you sprinkled keyboards and saxophones all over in addition to the stabbing guitars, distressed vocals, and plucky bass. It just needs a beat we can dance to.